Today, we’re proud to share a further third case study of Pratham Software GmbH. It is about “A Centralized Chatbot with Azure OpenAI”. Indeed a powerful AI solution for a global freight service platform.
About the Client:
Our customer operates a freight service platform catering to businesses worldwide through a franchise and distributor model. Consequently they manage a large volume of support inquiries and requests via online tickets which are handled by a team of support analysts in their CRM platform.
Business Need:
The customer needed a centralized solution to consolidate support-related information from multiple sources to provide users with accurate, efficient responses. The goal was to streamline access to information, reduce response times, and elevate the customer support experience.
To address these challenges, we implemented a Centralized Chatbot solution using Azure OpenAI’s Bring Your Own Data (BYOD) chat feature. This solution works very well because it consolidates all information sources—FAQs, articles, and guides into a central search index. We used Azure AI Search and Azure’s pre-built functionalities for information retrieval so that the chatbot could efficiently generate accurate responses, streamlining support and improving user experience.
The solution of a Centralized Chatbot with Azure open AI was realized using Azure OpenAI Chat BYOD, Azure AI Search, Azure AI Services, and developed with Python Quart and React JS.
Whether you’re looking to automate processes, analyze large datasets, or enhance decision-making through AI, Pratham Software GmbH is here to support your journey with our tailor-made solutions.
Stay tuned as we continue to showcase more AI case studies, demonstrating how our innovative solutions are driving efficiency and success across industries. Please study our case study 1 about Automatic Sampling of BIM Description and case study 2 about Loan Default Early Warning
Ready to harness the power of AI for your business? 💡 Contact us today to explore how Pratham Software GmbH can be your trusted partner in AI transformation.
Our second case study is about Loan Default Early Warning. The AI powered solution has helped our client saving millions of Euros. We delivered an advanced entity scoring and fraud detection system. The solution is powered by a sophisticated machine. It is a learning solution that integrates NLP (Sentiment Analysis), Clustering (DBSCAN), Isolation Forest, Neo4j, Python, Pandas, Sci-Kit Learn, and several third-party API data integrations.
Loan Default Early Warning by AI Case Study Details:
📌 Context:
Our customer operates in the integrity risk analytics space. This means that they are focusing on monitoring the creditworthiness of borrowers. Their advanced platform was designed to assist them in making well-informed decisions by offering comprehensive analytical and collaborative insights.
📌 Business Need:
The client required an effective solution to monitor borrower accounts continuously and identify opportunities for de-risking. This involved the early detection of potential financial stress in borrower accounts, providing near real-time signals and alerts to ensure prompt action.
📌 Solution:
We delivered an advanced entity scoring and fraud detection system that provided comprehensive borrower business insights using multiple models. This included creating relationship graphs, transactional and temporal analysis. Further on it contained sentiment and sensitivity assessment, trend analysis, exposure evaluations, spatial mapping, project Expected Value (EV), Binford analysis, and forensic investigations. By leveraging these insights, the system was able to raise early warnings of potential loan defaults. In this way aiding credit players in mitigating risks and making proactive, informed decisions.
Whether you’re looking to automate processes, analyse large datasets, or enhance decision-making through AI, Pratham Software GmbH is here to support your journey with our tailor-made solutions.
Stay tuned as we roll out more case studies in the coming weeks, showcasing how our AI solutions are driving efficiency, accuracy, and innovation across industries. Please also read our first case study about Automatic Sampling of BIM Description.
Ready to harness the power of AI for your business? 💡 Contact us today to explore how Pratham Software GmbH can be your trusted partner in AI transformation.
Today we announce the launch of our AI services in Germany, bringing cutting-edge solutions to clients across various industries. Stay tuned as we unveil our groundbreaking work portfolio showcasing the transformative power of AI. Let’s explain details of our AI solution with Automatic Sampling of BIM Description.
✨ Introducing Our First Case Study: „Automatic Sampling of BIM Descriptions“ powered by Gen AI & NLP. Our innovative solution optimizes Building Information Modeling (BIM) processes, enabling businesses to extract valuable insights from complex data.
– Context: In the building construction industry, manual mapping of project LVs to BIM models posed challenges in efficiency and accuracy.
– Business Challenge: The error-prone manual process hindered project planning, highlighting the need for intelligent automation.
– Solution: Our advanced algorithm automates the mapping between BIM objects and project LVs, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and scalability.
By automating this critical process, we have boosted efficiency, reduced dependency on manual expertise, and improved project productivity. Our customers have seen significant benefits including better cost visibility, reduced project risks, and a 50% increase in productivity.
Looking to streamline processes, analyze large datasets, or enhance decision-making with AI? Pratham Software GmbH is probably the best partner you can find for AI transformation. Contact us today to explore tailor-made solutions for your business.
Please follow our series of AI case studies. The second case about „loan default early warning“ is available here:
Innovation ist für jedes Unternehmen wichtig – egal ob es ein Start-up, ein mittelständisches Unternehmen oder ein Konzern ist. Doch wie wird Ihre Innovation erfolgreich? Denn leider werden nur 13% der innovativen Ideen am Ende eingeführt. Davon sind wiederum nur 50% erfolgreich. In einem mittelständischen Unternehmen bedeuten erfolglose Ideen häufig eine Bedrohung der Existenz. Wie kann man dies vermeiden? Die wichtigste Voraussetzung für erfolgreiche Innovationen ist ein durchdachtes Innovationsmanagement. Deshalb sollten sich Unternehmen vorher mit dem Thema Innovationsmanagement intensiv auseinandersetzen.
Bei Pull-Innovationen* ist der Prozess meistens klar. *Der Antrieb kommt vom Markt, er verlangt nach einer Innovation und Bedürfnisse werden z.B. durch ein neues Produkt befriedigt. Aber bei Innovationen, die ein eigenes Verfahren oder ein eigenes Produkt betreffen, wird es schwierig. Hier liegt nach unserer Erfahrung der Erfolg eines Innovationsprojektes in der Startphase. Es gilt die alte Weisheit: „Sage mir wie Dein Projekt beginnt und ich sage Dir wie es endet!“
„Forschung macht aus Geld Wissen, Innovationen machen aus Wissen Geld!“
(Verband der chemischen Industrie)
Damit Ihre Innovation erfolgreich wird, nutzen Sie am besten unser vielfach bewährtes Innovationsaudit. Die Ergebnisse werden anschließend ausgewertet und Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Kosten hierfür sind überschaubar. Unsere Expertise hierfür haben wir uns zusammen mit vielen Geschäftsführern mittelständischer Unternehmen in einem 9-monatigen Seminar über individuelles Innovationsmanagement erarbeitet. (s.u.)
Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Erfolg bei Ihrer Innovation und würden uns freuen, Sie dabei tatkräftig zu unterstützen.
Heinrich Hess
Geschäftsführer HGH Innovation GmbH