Tag Disruptive Technologie

IHRA Conference in Barcelona

20 Jahre Business Development Erfahrung

20 Jahre Business Development Erfahrung kann sich sehen lassen! Seit der Gründung unserer Unternehmensberatung in München vor über 20 Jahren konzentrieren wir uns auf unsere Kernkompetenzen Business Development sowie Vertrieb & Marketing. Es hat sich herumgesprochen, dass unser Einsatz zum Erfolg führt und unsere Kunden empfehlen uns weiter. Wenn es also darum geht, ein neues Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung erfolgreich auf den Markt zu bringen, können wir Ihnen wahrscheinlich helfen.

Erfahrung in vielen Industriebereichen ist entscheidend

Oft fragen Kunden, ob wir ganz spezifische Erfahrungen in einer bestimmten Industrie haben. Nach unserer Überzeugung und Erfahrung ist es weniger wichtig, als allgemein angenommen. Vielmehr führt gerade die Erfahrung in vielen verschiedenen Industriebereichen zum Erfolg. Denn so entstehen immer neue, überraschende und gerade deshalb auch erfolgreichen Lösungen. Wir haben Erfahrung in vielen Märkten und Industrien wie z.B. Retail, Consumer Industrie, Bank- und Finanzwesen, Automobilindustrie, Chemie-Industrie, IT, Softwareentwicklung, Elektronik, Meteorologie, Seefahrt, Satelliten Kommunikation, Strahlenschutz, Gesundheit und einige mehr.

Ein Unternehmer ist der bessere Berater

Unser Erfolg beruht auch darauf, dass ich neben meiner Qualifikation als Business Developer, Berater, Wirtschaftsexperte, Jurist und Unternehmensberater vor allem Unternehmer bin. Hierdurch habe ich einen guten Einblick in die Probleme meiner Unternehmerkollegen. Ausserdem bin ich von ganzem Herzen ein Vertriebsmann. Dies treibt mich an, niemals aufzugeben, solange wir für unsere Klienten das vereinbarte Ziel noch nicht erreicht haben.

HGH Innovation – der Name ist Programm

Wie Sie an unserem Firmennamen HGH Innovation erkennen, konzentrieren wir uns vor allem auf das Innovationsmanagement. Zur Zeit verlieren nämlich unzählige Firmen durch sogenannte disruptive Innovationen ihre Geschäftsgrundlage. Lesen Sie hierzu auch gerne meinen Artikel über disruptive Innovationen und wie kluges Innovationsmanagement hiervor schützen kann.

HGH Innovation – Partner von Origami Engineering:

Als Partnerfirma der renommierten Unternehmensberatung Origami Engineering ist HGH Innovation GmbH ein gefragter Ratgeber und Berater für Problemlösungen kleiner und mittelständischer Unternemen in Deutschland und Europa.

Bei Interesse oder Fragen, rufen Sie uns an (Tel.: 089 2008 7191) oder senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an info@hgh-innovation.com.




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Disruptive Technologies can kill your business in record time!

It is a fact that Disruptive Technologies can kill your business in record time. „We are surprised how naive leaders of big enterprises are when judging the risks of their company“, says innovation expert Heinrich Hess of HGH Innovation GmbH in Munich. But can disruptive innovation be prevented? Hess‘ answer is clear: „No, unfortunately not! In case of a combination of circumstances disruptive innovation with all their negative implications cannot be prevented!“

Disruption has been ongoing since many years

  • Weight watchers loosing market share to smart phone apps offering cheaper or free of charge solutions
  • Car industry loosing sales by Carsharing
  • Piano teachers are replaces by online courses
  • Navigation devices have since long been replaced by apps
  • Print media is more and more replaced by digital services
  • Heartfrequency devices replaced by apps
  • Radio replaced by webradio
  • House- and energy control by apps
  • Language courses replaced by online apps
  • Travel guides replaced by online apps
  • Cooking books replaced by online apps
  • Books replaced by e-books
  • Bank employees replaced by online banking
  • Realestate agents replaced by online apps
  • Construction of prototypes and more by 3D Printers
  • Calculators replaced by smartphones
  • ….. and millions more…..

What can be done against disruptive innovations?

The first step is to become aware of the actual or potential disruptive innovations in your market. The consultants from HGH Innovation GmbH are constantly scanning markets and can give important hints for the newest developments in specific industries. In close cooperation with their clients they analyse the situation and check their specific danger potential. The side effect is that through this process new developments can be initiated which improve the competitivenes and the chances for survival in the forseeable future. In some cases companies could be saved by investing in exactly those technologies which were threatening their market position.

„Company owners never realize that they might be bancrupt in less than one year if they do not react immediately“ – Heinrich Hess, HGH Innovation GmbH.

Disruptive technologies „out of nowhere“

Disruptive innovations arise from the lower end of the market and from new markets. For the established companies they appear completely unexpected!  And disruptive innovations have another very unpleasant attribute which is that they appear kind of „carmouflaged“ and are barely detectable. In the beginning they are so small that they are not even visible and even when they become visible they seem to address such a very small market so that they seem to be completely uninteristing.

This can happen very fast. After a certain time, however, things are often changing dramatically. With a phenomenal growthrate existing markets, products or services can be completely or partly eliminated.

At first the disruption is hardly remarkable but suddenly very strong

At the beginning of their development disruptive technologies are often still inferior to established products. As an example USB flash storage devices were still inferior to HDD with regard to capacity, reliability and price. This is why for several years PCs still contained HDD rather than flash storage. But this has rapidly changed.

Analog cameras and companies like Kodak were amoung the first victims

In case of analog cameras the short fight has been decided in favour to digital camaras many years ago.  Also in this case digital cameras could at first not yet convince with regard to resolution and picture quality. Resolution of less than 1 Megapixel seemed to be a very big disadvantage in comparison to the classical analog cameras. But very soon the huge advantages of this technology became obvious: results could be checked immediately,  snapshorts could be taken without any limitation and free of charge and pictures could be stored digitally or printed without any further delay. In the meanwhile the picture quality has been improved so much that digital cameras have replaced analog cameras nearly 100%.


Let’s have a chat!

„Most companies are not aware that they can go down at any time!“ Heinrich Hess von HGH Innovation GmbH-München

Do you need guidance for your company’s situation? Do you want to prevent disruptive innovations and set new market standards with your own innovations? We look forward to hearing from you. We have many years of experience and we have seen many innovative companies come and go. In this way, we have come to understand patterns and rules in these crazy times. Of course, the introductory meeting is free of charge and non-binding for you.

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