Today we announce the launch of our AI services in Germany, bringing cutting-edge solutions to clients across various industries. Stay tuned as we unveil our groundbreaking work portfolio showcasing the transformative power of AI. Let’s explain details of our AI solution with Automatic Sampling of BIM Description.
✨ Introducing Our First Case Study: „Automatic Sampling of BIM Descriptions“ powered by Gen AI & NLP. Our innovative solution optimizes Building Information Modeling (BIM) processes, enabling businesses to extract valuable insights from complex data.
– Context: In the building construction industry, manual mapping of project LVs to BIM models posed challenges in efficiency and accuracy.
– Business Challenge: The error-prone manual process hindered project planning, highlighting the need for intelligent automation.
– Solution: Our advanced algorithm automates the mapping between BIM objects and project LVs, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and scalability.
By automating this critical process, we have boosted efficiency, reduced dependency on manual expertise, and improved project productivity. Our customers have seen significant benefits including better cost visibility, reduced project risks, and a 50% increase in productivity.
Looking to streamline processes, analyze large datasets, or enhance decision-making with AI? Pratham Software GmbH is probably the best partner you can find for AI transformation. Contact us today to explore tailor-made solutions for your business.
Please follow our series of AI case studies. The second case about „loan default early warning“ is available here:
Second Case Study of Pratham Software AI Service - HGH Innovation GmbH | Okt 1,2024
[…] First Case study of Pratham’s AI services […]
Third Case study: Centralized Chatbot with Azure open AI - HGH Innovation GmbH | Okt 7,2024
[…] First Case study of Pratham’s AI services […]
Train Rolling Inspection & Alerting by AI - HGH Innovation GmbH | Okt 7,2024
[…] First Case study of Pratham’s AI services […]
Automatic Invoice Processing by AI - HGH Innovation GmbH | Okt 7,2024
[…] First Case study of Pratham’s AI services […]
AI Case Study 6: Automatic Account Assignment - HGH Innovation GmbH | Okt 11,2024
[…] First Case study of Pratham’s AI services […]
Dynamic Discounting with AI - HGH Innovation GmbH | Okt 11,2024
[…] First Case study of Pratham’s AI services […]
Flight Inventory Planning by AI - HGH Innovation GmbH | Okt 11,2024
[…] First Case study of Pratham’s AI services […]
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