Our second case study is about Loan Default Early Warning. The AI powered solution has helped our client saving millions of Euros. We delivered an advanced entity scoring and fraud detection system. The solution is powered by a sophisticated machine. It is a learning solution that integrates NLP (Sentiment Analysis), Clustering (DBSCAN), Isolation Forest, Neo4j, Python, Pandas, Sci-Kit Learn, and several third-party API data integrations.
Loan Default Early Warning by AI Case Study Details:
📌 Context:
Our customer operates in the integrity risk analytics space. This means that they are focusing on monitoring the creditworthiness of borrowers. Their advanced platform was designed to assist them in making well-informed decisions by offering comprehensive analytical and collaborative insights.
📌 Business Need:
The client required an effective solution to monitor borrower accounts continuously and identify opportunities for de-risking. This involved the early detection of potential financial stress in borrower accounts, providing near real-time signals and alerts to ensure prompt action.
📌 Solution:
We delivered an advanced entity scoring and fraud detection system that provided comprehensive borrower business insights using multiple models. This included creating relationship graphs, transactional and temporal analysis. Further on it contained sentiment and sensitivity assessment, trend analysis, exposure evaluations, spatial mapping, project Expected Value (EV), Binford analysis, and forensic investigations. By leveraging these insights, the system was able to raise early warnings of potential loan defaults. In this way aiding credit players in mitigating risks and making proactive, informed decisions.
Whether you’re looking to automate processes, analyse large datasets, or enhance decision-making through AI, Pratham Software GmbH is here to support your journey with our tailor-made solutions.
Stay tuned as we roll out more case studies in the coming weeks, showcasing how our AI solutions are driving efficiency, accuracy, and innovation across industries. Please also read our first case study about Automatic Sampling of BIM Description.
Ready to harness the power of AI for your business? 💡 Contact us today to explore how Pratham Software GmbH can be your trusted partner in AI transformation.
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