Tag Jupyter Notebook

Flight Inventory Planning by AI

We are proud to present Pratham Software’s Case Study No 8: which is Flight Inventory Planning by AI.

About: The customer is a leading software provider in the airline industry, offering solutions that enhance the digital cabin experience for airlines through in-flight entertainment and point-of-sale (POS) systems.

Business Need: Airlines face the challenge of efficiently planning inventory and pricing for food and other products on each flight. To maximize revenue and ensure resource optimization, predicting stock requirements before takeoff is a critical aspect of operations and revenue management. Inaccurate stock predictions can lead to shortages or excesses, impacting both customer satisfaction and profitability.

Solution: Pratham Software GmbH developed an AI-powered solution that uses historical order data to prescribe stock levels for each product category on every flight. The model incorporates key features such as flight duration, date and time, and sectors, enabling precise inventory predictions for various flights.

Software Tools:

  • Machine Learning (Hybrid Model, Grid Search CV)
  • SQL Server
  • Python
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • EC2
  • FastAPI
  • React JS
  • S3

Results of our Flight Inventory Planning by AI

  • Optimized supply chain
  • Reduced costs and minimized waste
  • Increased revenues and profitability

This solution provided airlines with a predictive tool for inventory planning, improving their resource management and contributing to overall operational efficiency.

Interested to learn more from Pratham Software’s exciting AI case studies?

Having studied our Pratham Software AI Case Study 6: Automatic Account Assignment, please also check our other case Studies!

Pratham Software GmbH
Pratham Software GmbH

At Pratham Software GmbH, we specialize in creating AI-driven solutions that tackle industry-specific challenges, automate processes, and boost profitability. This is just another example of how our AI expertise can transform your back-office operations and make your business more efficient.

Stay tuned for more innovative case studies as we continue to demonstrate how AI can be harnessed to bring tangible business value. Interested in transforming your financial operations with AI? 💡 Contact us today to explore how Pratham Software GmbH can help streamline your business processes.

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